BTW I was banned from Kiwi Farms because they didn't want to hear the truth.
1. there is no statute of limitations, because this court case ongoing.
You can't file a case until a record has been made. when you file a case, the Courts tend to want to see the record ( ie. what on the record, what the judge decided and so on) Since there this is pending case which has been pretrial for closes to 4 years, the actual case has not actually started.
2. they police don't get qualified immunity because:
The police don't get qualified immunity. For an officer not to get qualified immunity it has to be shown that 1. they violated a statutory or constitutional right and 2. that right has been well established by the courts. The search warrant was a general warrant, general warrants violated the fourth amendment (a constitutional right) which establishes number 1. The court has established from 1927 all the way to present day, that general warrants are unconstitutional and violate a person's right. So no qualified immunity.
1. there is no statute of limitations, because this court case ongoing.
You can't file a case until a record has been made. when you file a case, the Courts tend to want to see the record ( ie. what on the record, what the judge decided and so on) Since there this is pending case which has been pretrial for closes to 4 years, the actual case has not actually started.
2. they police don't get qualified immunity because:
The police don't get qualified immunity. For an officer not to get qualified immunity it has to be shown that 1. they violated a statutory or constitutional right and 2. that right has been well established by the courts. The search warrant was a general warrant, general warrants violated the fourth amendment (a constitutional right) which establishes number 1. The court has established from 1927 all the way to present day, that general warrants are unconstitutional and violate a person's right. So no qualified immunity.